
About us

About CCJW

The Council of Jewish Women of the Czech Republic (CCJW) was founded in Prague in 2010 as a member of ICJW - International Council of Jewish Women. CCJW cooperates not only with its sister organizations but also regularly cooperates with the Rafael Institute in Prague, NFOH, JCP, CHINUCH, the Prix Irene Prix in Prague and CCJW's regular participation in HERCZEG educational seminars in Jerusalem is also of major significance.

About ICJW - International Council of Jewish Women

Established 1912 in Berlin, the International Council of Jewish Women (ICJW) is an umbrella organization representing 43 independent sister organizations in various countries, working together to protect human rights and traditional Jewish values. The common goal is to improve the status and lives of women in society, contributing to interfaith tolerance, tolerance among cultures and promoting mutual understanding and dialogue.

While not being a political organization, ICJW can issue statements and organize initiatives that contribute to the humanization of politics. As a non-governmental organization, it has an advisory vote with the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) as well as with other international organizations. ICJW seeks a just society that opposes anti-Semitism and hatred and respects traditional Jewish values.

More about ICJW you find on www.icjw.org.